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  • Writer's pictureShirley

How does Posture Therapy work?

100% online dedication to your health and wellbeing!

Online Therapy

Sessions are scheduled ahead. Whether you are familiar with the different video call platforms or not, it is very easy to connect. I send you a link and we meet on the scheduled time.

Email Therapy

You simply send me your pictures in an email with detailed information about your medical (and pain) history. I put a routine of corrective exercises together and email you back. Everything is communicated via email.

Virtual therapy is delivered in the same high standards as in-clinic therapy. In the comfort of your own home or office all you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone. Virtual therapy can be done using different platforms like Zoom, Skype or FaceTime.

This is a no hands-on therapy that is done by following a custom-made routine of exercises relevant to the client’s postural issues. After the posture assessment, an exercise routine is given. It is advised that the routine is done at least once on daily basis. Being consistent will help to get out of compensation and re-educate the body back to how it was designed to function. Follow up sessions update the exercise routine depending on changes. Ideally I book the first 4-8 sessions on a weekly basis and then I spread the sessions further apart, depending on the severity of each individual case.

Where to start?

The first meeting will be a free consultation consisting of a set of questions to help me understand the postural issues to be addressed. I will take pictures where the whole body is showing (head to toes) and put them on my grid to be able to assess the posture. Gait analysis and functional tests are performed to help address the compensations and/or the dysfunctions that the body has gotten into. After that I will explain the outcomes and suggest a plan to move forward.

Moving forward?

A typical session would start by taking pictures, assessing what needs to be addressed according to client’s pain issues and giving the client the different corrective exercises that are relevant to becoming pain free. More posture picture might be needed during the session to better guide me to the required results.

Every Routine I prescribe I email to my client with images, instructions and videos to help the client perform the exercises in the most correct and efficient way possible.

Follow up sessions build on the progression of changes. I take more pictures to re-assess the postural changes reached and again instruct them through a routine relevant to these changes in order to keep moving forward in the alignment process.

Tips on moving forward after Posture Alignment Therapy!

The combination of Posture Alignment Therapy and strengthening exercises have lead many of my clients to eliminate chronic pain and increase functional mobility. My suggestion on moving forward once the alignment issues (pain and symptoms) have started to become manageable, would be to schedule training sessions 2-3 times per week and include strengthening alongside maintaining a posture alignment discipline. I structure these sessions according to the individual client and include relevant posture alignment as well as strengthening exercises.

(Email therapy is your other option)


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